The ITACA consortium consists of four partners who complement each other to cover the set of skills and background required to achieve the project objectives
Know more about us
Nommon Solutions and Technologies
Project coordinator
Nommon is a research-intensive technology company based in Madrid, Spain, specialised in the provision of information, quantitative analysis and decision support tools for the planning and management of transport and traffic systems. To this end, expertise is drawn from disciplines such as computer science, spatial analysis, data science, complexity theory, operations research, and transport and traffic engineering. Nommon's research agenda encompasses three main threads: (i) big data processing and spatio-temporal data analysis; (ii) complex systems modelling and data-driven simulation; and (iii) information visualisation and visual analytics.
Centro de Referencia Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación ATM, A.I.E.
CRIDA (Centro de Referencia de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación ATM, A.I.E.) is a not-for-profit research entity established by ENAIRE, the Technical University of Madrid and INECO. CRIDA‘s mission is to improve the efficiency and performance of the Spanish Air Traffic Management (ATM) system, considering the Spanish system as an integral part of a global networked system. To achieve this goal, CRIDA conducts quantitative analyses of the ATM system in order to diagnose problems and identify their causes, propose and design innovative solutions, identify and validate the best alternatives, and collaborate actively in the implementation of the selected solutions.
Transport and Mobility Leuven
Transport & Mobility Leuven NV (TML) is a private research company founded in 2002 whose largest shareholder is KU Leuven. TML conducts applied research with the aim to support policy decisions. To this end, it relies on quantitative research, including mathematical modelling, statistical analyses, simulations, and prognoses. TML's research fields are traffic, passenger and freight transport, and the related economic and environmental impact. TML has a longstanding experience in economic analysis, model development, impact assessment and dissemination of research results in EU transport research projects.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
KTH is responsible for one third of Sweden’s capacity for technical research and is the country’s largest organiser of technical/engineering education at university level. KTH’s education and research covers a broad spectrum, from natural sciences to all branches of engineering plus architecture, industrial economics, urban planning, work science and environmental technology. KTH contributes to ITACA through the division of Logistics and Informatics at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems, whose work brings together formal mathematical models, advanced simulations, artificial intelligence and machine learning with more participatory methods such as gaming.