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  • Writer's pictureITACA

Winter Simulation Conference 2021

KTH participated at the Winter Simulation Conference 2021 to present "Technology adoption in Air Traffic Management: A combination of agent-based modelling with behavioural economics”

Bill Roungas, from KTH, one of ITACA’s consortium partners, presented the paper Technology adoption in Air Traffic Management: A combination of agent-based modelling with behavioural economics at the Winter Simulation Conference 2021, which took place in Arizona from 13th - 15th December (face-to-face) and 15th - 17th December (virtual).

The paper, written by Bill Roungas, Miguel Baena, Jayanth Raghothama, Rubén Alcolea, Oliva García Cantú, and Ricardo Herranz, focuses on describing the assumptions and design of the agent-based model developed in the ITACA project, that aims at benchmarking different promising policy measures aimed at accelerating ATM technology uptake.



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